
The Annotated Luther, Volume 3: Church and Sacraments is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 3 of The Annotated Luther series features Luther’s focus on the church and his understanding of the meaning of the sacraments. This volume focuses on Luther’s teaching concerning proper understanding and reception of the sacraments, his insights regarding worship, and his understanding of the church.

I have. His chief argument in those silly passagesn is that I ought to be moved by my monastic vows and by the fact that the empire has been transferred to the Germans. Thus he does not seem to have wanted to write my “recantation” so much as the praise of the French people and the Roman pontiff.32 Let him attest his allegiance in this little book, such as it is. He does not deserve to be harshly treated, for he seems to have been prompted by no malice; nor does he deserve to be learnedly refuted,
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